Pradžia - PRO - Įranga PRO - Studijos monitoriai - ADM22 MK2 studijos monitorius - Digital Audio
ADM22 MK2 studijos monitorius
Our patented FIRTEC system filters ensure a linear phase, and a correctly timed reproduction across theentire frequency range. The wave guide eliminates the effect of the cabinet edges and linearizes not only theprocessing of the digital signal but also the frequency characteristics. The 1” high frequency ring emittersensure low distortion even at high volumes. The 8” carbon chassis (made in Germany) with its optimized stiffbut low weight membrane (F1 material), prevents a break-up into partial oscillations at high volumes, so thatthe compact ADM22 represents a full value monitor for all applications. The 24 bit / 192 Khz DA convertersupplies the analogue output stage with its special audio 180W (RMS) transistors.
The optional digital input (bypassing the DA converter) facilitates a direct connection to the digital work stationor master machine. Three freely configurable peak-EQs as well as high and low shelving controls permit anoptimized adjustment to the listening position in a studio. These as well as all other parameters, such as vo-lume or delay can be comfortably adjusted with optional FIR-Wlan software either from a tablet, smartphoneor with the hardware remote control RC-100.
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